(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Trump announces endorsement for Florida governor’s race



  1. I am extremely impressed with Mr. Byron Donalds. He is a common sense man, extremely intelligent and hopefully will carry forward the policies of Ron DeSantis. Maybe Ron DeSantis will run for President in 2028, and/or will become the VP running with J.D.Vance.

  2. In 2028, I hope the democrats are torched so badly, they will never recover from the pathetic excuses for candidates they had in 2020 and 2024. And we all know and saw how joe biden brought America down to it’s lowest point in history since the Civil War. They continue to act and react like 10-year-olds with temper tantrums. Not a single one of the asshole democrats are worth a pound of sheep shit. They have proven that over the last couple weeks with their lying, protesting, carrying pathetic signs, and singing off-key that would make a pack of wolves howl. Screw them all as they are worthless, useless lowlifes who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.

  3. I will definitely vote for Bryon Donald’s if he should choose to run. I have watched him interact with others and our President Trump for a number of years. I think he would make a great Governor. I will be totaling sorry to lose our great Governor DeSantis go but hopefully he will be going on to better our country in other ways.


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