(Commenting on)  WATCH: O’Keefe releases undercover video of Treasury official, GOP Reps file impeachment articles against judges



  1. The corruption is so deep. These people want to see the US destroyed. They care nothing about everyday Americans. Thank God they are being exposed.

  2. This is the very reason our government is so corrupt. When someone tries to begin the cleanup you have blockades put in place by partisan judges. I say let these Treasury people dig in their heels. Then just fire them with no benefits. If they’re not working now no one will miss them.

  3. Sadly I lost all trust in our courts during the election hoax. I don’t trust the supreme court to even hear the cases..
    I hope I’m wrong. I hope that our judicial system will stand firm in the separation of powers. Im glad this time the Republicans are fighting back and not taking it..

  4. It is about time our Congressman start growing morals and start impeaching these liberal judges who don’t care about this Country. They are not above the President o4 the law.

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