(Commenting on)  REPORT: Coca-Cola faces boycott calls over ‘glitch’ that banned conservative terms on personalized cans



  1. Don’t drink coke. Haven’t since I found out that the NAACP threatened to sue Coke many many years ago over some discrimination BS. Mainly drink Dr Pepper and Pepsi. Coke has been a WOKE company since the late 60’s and early 70’s.

  2. I used to like Coke but my favorite was Dr. Pepper but havent had one in 20 yrs. Its full of stuff thst can kill you. High fructose corn syrup is one of them, but in Mexico its made from sugar. Why is that we moved our sugar mills to Mexico yet they get sugar in their sodas and we get crap.

  3. I’ve actually given up dark colas. If I ever drink one I try for RC Cola. I pretty much stick to water. I did drink Coke back in the day. Not anymore and this just cements my decision. Hopefully this hits them hard. It wasn’t a glitch!! Boycott Now!!

  4. Funny how these shit companies go all in on this leftist bullshit , until they get boycotted and start losing money the it’s a glitch or a mistake? Screw these companies!

  5. coke was never my drink of choice nor will it ever be. I hate bloating and burping. I don’t have to boycott, I don’t buy anyway. But I am looking at other coke products to not buy. They make a lot of other drinks. They produce over 3500 beverage products. Too numerous to mention. Just do a search and see if what you drink is one by that company.

  6. Easy for me. I stopped drinking all sodas years ago.
    But we KNOW this was not a “glitch”. Little small-minded jerks in their programming dept is how these “glitch”es occur.


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