(Commenting on)  WOW… WATCH: Michael Rapaport Admits: ‘I Was Wrong’ About Trump



  1. I think once you actually realize that you have been lied to from the Dems say over Israel.You start looking at other issues that maybe you just went along to get along and maybe there are more lies and half truths out there.
    It’s sad it took such a tragedy to see what the Dems really stand for or don’t

  2. As far as I’m concerned with Rapaport ,,,
    Too little too late.
    Doesn’t like Trump because he didn’t like his mouth. Ha, but it’s okay what he’s about Rapaport because he’s a comedian or celebrity. Not that ( I ) even know who he is.
    He’s making excuses for his prior remarks.
    He’s another = Bottom line, when enough crap gets rubbed in his face ,,, then he cares.
    He doesn’t deserve to vote for Trump!!!

  3. I don’t even know who this ding-dong is. I am not impressed, and he needs to take a look at his own mouth before casting stones at others. He does not speak very well at all.

  4. I don’t like some MY President TRUMP’S tweets and the name calling. But I do like his America First Policies. Also love his love for this Country and his willingness to call a spade a spade. I have voted for him twice already and am going to vote for him again.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

    • I will be doing the same. Not a doubt in my mind that President Trump is the man for the job. He has already proven himself. I could not give a rat about a tweet or some name calling. It appears OK for everyone to call him names but they scream bloody murder when he slams them back. He has now taken this BS for the last 10 years. Enough already. This will also be my third time to vote for President Trump. I hope harris loses her ass. She is not really ahead of Trump. The media has all been instructed to pump this slut bag hoe up just like they pumped joe up and said he was sharp as a tack for the last 3 years when we all saw and knew differently. TRUMP VANCE 2024

  5. Just say hallelujah his liberal woke brain may have some common sense and he has come around, that’s a good thing.

  6. I hope this is just start of the Exodus of Hollywood from liberal tyranny. He sounded as rabid as De Niro. Hey, its a big tent …. leave your bs behind, ok?

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