(Commenting on)  WOKE WORLD: Kathy Griffin makes wild suggestion about people having babies on this planet



  1. WOW glad your breeding days are over, my dog is safe again…..one ugly deranged crazy nut job. Hope all the commie cult libTARDS choose to not reproduce less future libTARDS! Truly some really really ignorant shills.

  2. I agree with her, the Democrats/Left have left our world in a bad place. And I also agree that the Democrats/Left should not have children for a while, or forever. I have said for quite some time the Democrats/Left are a good argument for abortion. If they had been aborted we wouldn’t have to hear their mouths constantly spew hate.

    I hope she is eating a whole pie every day!

  3. Mental illness is rampant in this nut job. If someone decides not to have kids they are not necessarily a democrat. 2 of my conservative kids decided not to have kids. They are straight Trump lovers. It’s a personal choice. The liberals like getting pregnant so they can brag about their irresponsible abortions. My kids told me if they accidentally get pregnant they would have the child and love the baby. They just do not want kids. Very respectful and responsible adults.

  4. The first mistake on this site was to call her a comedian, she or it whatever it wants to be called isn’t anywhere near funny.
    She just opens her mouth to get attention because she sure can’t get it any other way.


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