(Commenting on)  WOKE ALERT: Professors canceled classes so students could process Trump’s ‘shocking’ win



  1. Raising babies. Ridiculous nonsense. I remember the day the space shuttle blew up. Watched it explode. My middle daughter was in college and they interrupted the class to watch the rerun. They continued classes and tests and never shut down classes.

  2. Oh gag me!🤮! Here we go with the snowflakes and their safe places again! Have they all been issued their pacifiers yet?
    Seriously! Did we see this shit when Biden /Harris stole 2020?

  3. And these are college students! Wow 😮 totally lost and confused 🫤
    I blame the theatrics on the adult teachers feeding the students a one sided way of thinking.

  4. Wow, I hope they passed out pacifier’s and tampons to these mentally unstable kids. I’m sure they also needed instructions on which was which. Lord help that generation of brainwashed children or they will never survive life on their own.

  5. What’s wrong with these young wimps? I’m 70 years old, stayed up until after Trump’s speech, went the bed at 0330 and was at work by 0700.

    • Exactly!! I’m turning 74 Saturday and I was up until 3 to watch his speech and celebrate with him and his family and friends and many supporters in attendance! These pathetic children in college aren’t going to be able to face the challenges that come as adults!! I blame not just the universities but also the parents!! That is so concerning that we have allowed this to go on in these universities for so very long that there are several generations of these brainwashed children who will graduate with degrees and they are dumb as a box of rocks! They have no critical thinking skills and no backbone to face life and be able to function let alone lead their families and communities into the future!! Holy moly what a pathetic bunch!!

  6. Unreal, you should just cancel their education period. Because you’re not teaching them anything about being decent human beings and true patriotic Americans.

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