(Commenting on)  WHOA! Dem-Aligned Group Registering Patients To Vote in Hospitals



  1. It never ceases to amaze me how low the LibTard DemoncRats will go to subverting the system.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  2. As a retired nurse that still works 2
    Or 3 days a month this sickens me. And I can almost guarantee the “non partisan” part of this organization is a joke. Also, when an individual and their family is at their most vulnerable is not the time someone should be discussing politics. I’m sure things such as Medicaid and Medicare are probably being discussed while they are being registered and things like how “dirty DJT will take that away is elected president.”

  3. This is one the most unethical things I’ve ever heard of. To approach patients and/or family members as they seek medical care with information other than that pertaining to said medical care is an egregious betrayal of the patient/caregiver trust implicit to that relationship.As a retired ER nurse I find the idea of using the vulnerability of those seeking care to include politics in the care plan as bordering on malpractice. If this isn’t illegal, it should be !

  4. If any patient should vote for Trump I’m sure those votes would be disposed of. I also agree that this is unconscionable to approach people who are sick enough to be in the hospital for their votes. When people are very sick I’m sure they will “help” them fill out the forms just like they do in nursing homes. Democrats are like fleas, sucking the blood out of everyone and our country.

  5. The Dems of today have no shame..
    Buying votes, dead voting, collection votes. ( Notice the ballot harvesting is done in poor areas). They have no shame. They act like they are fighting for you while the Dems slowly take away all your rights.

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