Sit down and shut up Bolton. You’re just another piece of human garbage that has done nothing credible whatsoever for the American people. You lack wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. You have proved that by turning on who is possibly the best President this country has ever had. A man who loves this country, unlike you. You serve no one but the oligarchs.
We the people, have more confidence in President Trump’s judgment than in some war mongers hawkish perspectives. We chose him, not you, to make the final decisions. Fortunately, he has demonstrated practical wisdom in his leadership.
John Bolton is a traitor.
John Bolton, sit down and shut up. Your opinions and help are not wanted by the Trump administration. He has so many more competent people to look to and you are not one of them.
I would like to remind you Dennis and everyone that Laura Ingram loves John Bolton. She sang his praises when Trump picked him. Now maybe she changed her mind but I haven’t seen her say it.
Sit down and shut up Bolton. You’re just another piece of human garbage that has done nothing credible whatsoever for the American people. You lack wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. You have proved that by turning on who is possibly the best President this country has ever had. A man who loves this country, unlike you. You serve no one but the oligarchs.
We the people, have more confidence in President Trump’s judgment than in some war mongers hawkish perspectives. We chose him, not you, to make the final decisions. Fortunately, he has demonstrated practical wisdom in his leadership.
John Bolton is a traitor.
John Bolton, sit down and shut up. Your opinions and help are not wanted by the Trump administration. He has so many more competent people to look to and you are not one of them.
I would like to remind you Dennis and everyone that Laura Ingram loves John Bolton. She sang his praises when Trump picked him. Now maybe she changed her mind but I haven’t seen her say it.