(Commenting on)  WHAM! Trump releases scathing statement on leftist bishop who ambushed him at church service



  1. She needs to be removed and deported what a fool she is and she is not of god she is a satin worshiper and not of the church god warns us about people like her a false prophet and an idiot

  2. Well said Mr. President. As a Christian I was appalled at what this woman had to say and I am sure God was as well Her words were straight from the devil. Stick with Rev. Graham!

  3. Who ever set up this ambush should be fired. The cameras would be rolling. This was a set up and we all know it.
    The fact this bishop tried to tie LBG issues to raise fear in the community by tying the illigals together should piss of the community..
    A quick search of this bishop would have shown her unhinged resentment of Trump.
    To put the trump family in that position with JDVance and his wife was awful and heads should roll.

  4. Good for Trump speaking out against this! She was supposed to bless the president and vice president and new administration… not impart her ridiculous political beliefs. As Trump would say… “she’s a nasty woman!”

  5. This nasty hag’s mic should have been cut off at the first spoken word about lgbtq+, then she should have been firmly escorted off the podium by security. Get this ugly nasty hag out of our faces. 99% of Americans do not cater to 1% of these lgbtq+ freaks. Keep your stinking sexual preferences to yourself and stay in your closet. We don’t want to know about their bedroom activities. Who invited this piece of garbage to do this. Was it aoc?

  6. I watched the service and also found it very boring repetitive and uninspiring and she was not being lead by god but her own hatred and loathing, pushing away the President with her worldly views.

  7. Air dropping ( loose)! ALL.pictures of raped and murdered women and children (along with the 350k.MISSING minors right on her damned doorstop ) compliments of the Cartel and other illegals . Her superiors have GOT to fire her and her congregation needs to turn and LEAVE not donating one thin dime to this ” church” . She is NOT doing God’s work …disgusting

  8. That woman’s place was to bless the president, vice president and their families and inspire their leadership, NOT to politicize and lecture them! This looked like a set up and needs to be investigated. That bishop should be fired! She had no right to spew her radical views on any congregation ESPECIALLY the President of the United States!

  9. She’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She delivered her far left opinions disguised as a sermon and then happily trotted off to the liberal media outlets so she could get her pat on the head for being a good leftest doggy.

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