Unbelievable!! This guy is as crooked and evil as they come.He’s the spawn of Satan😈and this despicable decision to our President will only help Trump more as President to successfully make America greater than ever. ❤️🇺🇸💚 You will never take away the fact that DJT is the best President ever! And your act of harm and evil will only come back to you tenfold.
It’s well past time to crack down on these DICTATOR JUDGES
MERCHANT SEEMED TO BE HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION… BUT NO! Given a taste of Godly power they just can’t let go.
Time to rehaul this system. Political Warfare is especially heinous in this context. Jmust also be held accountable for their deliberate offenses in not applying the Law.
In ways this is good because the appeals court can hear the evidence and throw it all out!!! The truth of what Merchant did will be known.
I’m betting merchant retires soon after he reads the verdict
Must be a paid off soros judge. Fuck him and soros. Both a detriment to America.
Judge Juan Merchan needs to be immediatelydisbard thrown in Federal prison and take Braggs and other unconstitutional judges with them. And stays on their record as Felons against America and our incoming President Trump🇺🇸🇺🇸We need our American Justice system back⚖️it will make the border invasion, crisis better for our President Trump/Vance and team to deal with. These last days of Biden/ Harris corruption during the transition period has been the lowest of low.Americans do not appreciate this scum.
Unbelievable!! This guy is as crooked and evil as they come.He’s the spawn of Satan😈and this despicable decision to our President will only help Trump more as President to successfully make America greater than ever. ❤️🇺🇸💚 You will never take away the fact that DJT is the best President ever! And your act of harm and evil will only come back to you tenfold.
It’s well past time to crack down on these DICTATOR JUDGES
MERCHANT SEEMED TO BE HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION… BUT NO! Given a taste of Godly power they just can’t let go.
Time to rehaul this system. Political Warfare is especially heinous in this context. Jmust also be held accountable for their deliberate offenses in not applying the Law.
In ways this is good because the appeals court can hear the evidence and throw it all out!!! The truth of what Merchant did will be known.
I’m betting merchant retires soon after he reads the verdict
Must be a paid off soros judge. Fuck him and soros. Both a detriment to America.
Judge Juan Merchan needs to be immediatelydisbard thrown in Federal prison and take Braggs and other unconstitutional judges with them. And stays on their record as Felons against America and our incoming President Trump🇺🇸🇺🇸We need our American Justice system back⚖️it will make the border invasion, crisis better for our President Trump/Vance and team to deal with. These last days of Biden/ Harris corruption during the transition period has been the lowest of low.Americans do not appreciate this scum.