(Commenting on)  WHAM! Retired Gen. Mark Milley gets some bad news from Trump’s new Pentagon chief



  1. I want to see Millie arrested for being a traitor. He is the new Benedict Arnold. He needs to be stripped of his metals ribbons his uniform burned dishonorable discharge. He gets nothing for retirement and he goes away for a long, long time like the rest of his effing life

  2. JB what do you mean by earned that he earned those? I don’t care if he earned them or not you think if he’s a traitor that he should keep any of those know traders used to get hung he be lucky that he gets put in prison the rest of his life and not hung. He don’t deserve not one of those medals or ribbons have sons that were in the service. My dad was in the service. My grandfather and uncles were in the service. My ex-husband was in the service. My husband was in the service. I have a lot of respect for service people. I have no respect for people that are in the service and want to do harm to this country just because he earned those doesn’t mean that he’s an honest man. yes, and in this country, you do have the right to say whatever you want as I do the other thing is when you say earned, how do I know he earned them never went to war. he’s not the only general though that’s a traitor either need to get rid of them all because they’re war mongers the funny thing is they think they don’t have to listen to the president which is their commander and chief they think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Well, they’re not the president and they should stop trying to act like they are if their commander and chief give them an order there to follow it not grow back to China until the Chinese president I’ll let you know anything else it’s gonna go down with Trump. He’s a real piece of shit. I’ll be looking forward to investigation and seeing cuffs on that son of a bitch

  3. Linda I understand you totally, I as well am the daughter and niece of WWll veterans. But I think JB meant he earned the demotion, at least I hope that’s what he meant.

  4. My apology to JB I didn’t understand what you meant by Earned but now I do because you and Debra explained it to me, so please accept my apology. I am sorry.


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