(Commenting on)  WHAM! President Trump rips into Republican congressman



  1. I have to agree with Massey.

    And anger from the Oval Office is not going to make friends and influence people.

    I love Trump, but sometimes he lets his mouth speak before his brain is in gear.

  2. Massie has been voting against almost everything Our President TRUMP is trying to accomplish. He, like McConnell, have been RINO obstructionists. Hopefully the people of KY will vote for someone closer to MAGA priorities.

  3. I get the man wants to stand for what he believes isn’t good for the country. However, his reasoning is flawed. It isn’t Biden (or whoever was running the country) spending the exact same amount of money, it’s Trump. The money isn’t going to disappear into the black hole of NGO’s. He needs to get his facts straight.

  4. Massie is 100% right here.
    How can you call out waste fraud and abuse but the keep funding it?
    There is no recission bill so there is no guarantee that will happen.
    Republicans had 4 months to get this right. They keep hacking it down the road.


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