(Commenting on)  WATCH: Zuckerberg spills the beans on pressure tactics by Biden admin to demand censorship



  1. And he will blow with any wind that he takes a notion to….I will never trust Zuckerberg….ever. Pure snake in the grass….

  2. Mark was stuck between a rock and hard place ya’ll. He didn’t like how he was forced to cover up truths. At least Mark is trying to do better since Trump took office. He thinks Trump was tough to stand up with fist in air after being shot at. I try to see the good things in people instead of totally putting them down. People can change their thoughts on things just like how lots of people changed from democrat to republican.

  3. How much of the disinformation turned out to be true? Most all of it…
    The fact that meta owner Zuckenburge didn’t have the balls to first come forward to the media( course it would have to have been fox news) and tell them what the Biden administration was doing with their pressure campaign against free speech and the treats Facebook faced because of that is outstanding.
    Mark Zuckerberg is a coward and someone you can not trust to do the right thing.. is the fact he did not want Trump to be president have anything to do with why he allowed the suppression and now because Harris lost Zuckerberg is turning on them?

  4. So now the little pussy wuss tells the story. I call bullshit. He cared enough to endorse biden and the democrats for $450 Million and have the information stifled. He used his dark money fund and funded election interference to publish 90% bad lying information on Trump and praise biden and the kackling kunt to the hilt. Not buying it. Go peddle your lie somewhere else zuck.

  5. Oh, not my fault! So why did you not stand up for free speech back then and expose their bullshit?! Because you thought the Dems would rule the world and you’d be their mouthpiece. Jokes on you! Only reason for your change in because MAGA has spoken and we won’t put up with the Democratic bullshit!

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