(Commenting on)  WATCH: Woke DOJ employee complains that Trump’s executive orders are making her work harder



  1. She needs to be fired. Too lazy to go into the office and will definitely sabotage anything she can regarding Trump!! More swamp people who need to be drained!!

  2. This is such entertainment! Like President said..common sense and your job is merit based. You just admitted you can’t do your job. Hope you find a new job soon.

  3. She needs a job at Burger King – where they can yap about crap and just take and fill orders.
    Getting a DOJ job and then trashing is just stupid – ESPECIALLY, when you whine about having to work 5 days in the office!!
    My daughter (who works in fast food) works more than this chick and she doesn’t complain.

  4. AND this is what we the people are paying for. WTF 🤬 Absolutely amazed at the ignorance of this little woke lazy punks. You cannot make up this much stupid. I now see why the government has grown out of control and is full of these little commie devil DEMONcrates which equates to more votes for the devils.

  5. She’ll look at herself in 10 or 20 years and cringe!!
    So immature, and uninformed.
    She shouldn’t have kids.

  6. Her rant timeline doesn’t make any sense. She said that she isn’t getting any work done due to all the “yapping” (when in the office). Except that she is NOT in the office as of yet.

  7. Hey, hon be thankful you still have a job instead of complaining. You’ve been duped for too long by the libs and corrupt news. Follow the protocol SOP or find another job.

  8. One look at her ugly liberal face and her nasty attitude made me want to slap her! The bitch has no gratitude , or work ethic. Just fire her!

  9. If you cannot do the job, then resign, bimbo. Young punkette can’t handle the pressure, there’s the damn door. You get paid to appear at your work station, not stay at home in your jammies the entire day and drink coffee. This bimbo needs to be fired.

  10. Before I retired if you didn’t do your job you got fired and we didn’t stand around talking about everything unrelated to the job now get busy and make America great again

  11. In the private sector, if you are insubordinate on the job, brag about not working, disrespect your management, and/or are bad mouthing the department you work for, you get fired.

    The public sector should be able to take the same action.


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