(Commenting on)  WATCH: Walz cowers away over murdered hostages question



  1. Being a coward is what walz is. When Minneapolis burned he hid under his desk. When his unit was deployed he ran and hid! He is a coward

  2. This video needs to be viral!
    Shameful isn’t even the word. How can you not even say. My heart goes out to the families of the murdered hostages.
    Why aren’t people outraged! This reaction says everything you need to know

  3. THANK GOD this chicken shit piece of garbage didn’t go to Iraq when he was to be deployed to do so.
    He isn’t a leader, he is a chicken shit. He would never have been in it to win it and guide American Troops to victory. He couldn’t even pay respect to the six Israeli and American people lost because of biden’s filthy policies and $$$$$$ sent there. He is not worthy of being VP, he isn’t worthy of even being a governor. Go pick up trash along highways tim loser, that is about all you are capable of doing. By showing that pathetic display, you truly are a loser.

  4. He looked like a slob and hes going to represent our country? It’s all fun until someone asks a hard question! This administration including Harris is cowards!

  5. Trump needs to make go viral and in the meantime sue the crap out of c*ntmala for placing an as on tv regarding Trump and project 25. That lying piece of trash.

  6. This would of never happened under Trump. That waltz and Harris are nothing but cowards Vote Trump this November and save our country

  7. Tampon 💩 head Timmy out trying to win a teddy bear 🧸 while we don’t have a leader currently running out Country. If Camel 🐪 Toe wants to be in charge nows the time to start doing it.
    I swear it’s like “The Wizard of Oz” Tampon Tim 💩 with no COURAGE, and Camel 🐪 Toe with no BRAINS 🧠 equals NO HEART🩶👥
    Of course they have no SYMPATHY for the deceased.

  8. I wonder if the parents of the American killed by Hamas are sorry that they spoke at the DNC because clearly the Democrats aren’t for Israel.

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