This f’n women are the same kind that protested, belittled, threatened our returning Vietnam troops, think about that one shills. You po💩’s spend more time defending non Americans than you do our very own, pathetic, disgusting 🤮 commies. Embarrassment to our republic. AND how about taking the first flight out to Ukraine since you love it so much scumbags. How about spending those energies towards our veterans and the starving abused children right here in the USA
To approach the VP when he was with his young child is unforgivable. Isn’t there a law for that?! Just go to your friggin protest and remind yourself you’re in a country that allows you to protest. Seriously, leave the kids alone. This makes me so angry. I’m thankful he had secret service protection but still, think about the 3 year old child. The protesters should be ashamed of themselves.
Remember protesters if you are from Ukraine , your the one that left and left these kids in harm ways not America !! Your leader is the one that wants to go on fighting !! Buy a ticket and go home and fight !!! You can hate us for free !!!you are no better then the Russian going after a small child
This f’n women are the same kind that protested, belittled, threatened our returning Vietnam troops, think about that one shills. You po💩’s spend more time defending non Americans than you do our very own, pathetic, disgusting 🤮 commies. Embarrassment to our republic. AND how about taking the first flight out to Ukraine since you love it so much scumbags. How about spending those energies towards our veterans and the starving abused children right here in the USA
To approach the VP when he was with his young child is unforgivable. Isn’t there a law for that?! Just go to your friggin protest and remind yourself you’re in a country that allows you to protest. Seriously, leave the kids alone. This makes me so angry. I’m thankful he had secret service protection but still, think about the 3 year old child. The protesters should be ashamed of themselves.
Remember protesters if you are from Ukraine , your the one that left and left these kids in harm ways not America !! Your leader is the one that wants to go on fighting !! Buy a ticket and go home and fight !!! You can hate us for free !!!you are no better then the Russian going after a small child