(Commenting on)  WATCH: Voter asks Trump a question that has tripped up VP Harris — he quickly fires off an answer



  1. Spot on. With Vance, Kennedy and Musk on board, he’s off to a great start. His AG needs to do the job with determination and dedication, along with follow and execute laws that are on the books. Sessions was a disaster and Barr was ineffective. Do away with the Department of Education. Let the States run it with a set of standards required by all.

  2. That barbershop 💈 stop was exactly 👍🏼 what we the people needed it was heart felt.
    It was the very best of DJT ! If you didn’t like what you heard ?! your probably a communist pig and you need to go back to where thats excepted !
    We here in a free country don’t take to kindly to all this commie nonsense
    Sad thing is I still have to pray for you ! Jesus no matter how hard it is to do please always give me that ability. 🙏

  3. Brilliant response and truthful. DML has been saying this forever and it’s great that Trump is ALOT more awake.NOT woke and will have much better insight 🇺🇲

  4. He did not “do great” as a Washington outsider in his first term: unlike Reagan whose team vetted all political appointees Trump left in place deep state operatives who sabotaged much of his programs. Also he should have yanked immediately all security clearances of former Obama admin folks like the commie-Muslim Brennen and the perjurer Clapper.

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