(Commenting on)  WATCH: Vance discusses his faith after Harris mocked Christian protesters at rally



  1. kam-ALLAH just put her big foot in her small mouth and chastised Christians. Now she has two religious groups against her, Christians and Jews. Shame Shame Shame……She has already alienated black men by insinuating they are worthless and all they want is drugs and good times and are not worthy of good paying jobs. The balloon ad comes to mind, one black man and the rest women of color each holding a balloon. Just what messages was that supposed to convey!!!!!!!! It was an insult to black men. It was tpure stupidity just as her SNL ad. kam-ALLAH just keeps stooping lower and lower every day.

  2. With everything that we’ve seen since November of 2020 with the demnuts and their agenda and narratives, I have come to a conclusion that God ment for all to see. Their actions have exposed the evil within our government in the last 4 years. These people are not even trying to hide it anymore. We are seeing parallels to the fall of the Roman empire to what is going on in this country today. Has God forsaken us or is he giving us a chance to repent? I guess we will see this November how the people feel and what direction we are going as a country because if this woman gets into office, we will soon see the revelations and prophecies come true. I believe we are literally at a crossroads of evil or salvation. I’m not a very religious person but I do believe in God and his plans for us. The Bible to me is an account of things that had happened in the eyes of a few. I believe God has guidance in it’s writings to convey his vision of how we as humans should continue to live.


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