The NON UN needs to be expelled from the US! We should not let this continual BS to occur on OUR soil. Let them go to Chyna where everything will be censored.
Get the hook out and grab lauber off the podium. He is trying to censor free speech. Another political hack.
Why is the US still in the un. They need us because they like the American money, we don’t need them.
The NON UN needs to be expelled from the US! We should not let this continual BS to occur on OUR soil. Let them go to Chyna where everything will be censored.
The cartel in suits. They are soncorrupt
Get us out of the U.N. immediately and the U.N. out of the USA.
Get the hook out and grab lauber off the podium. He is trying to censor free speech. Another political hack.
Why is the US still in the un. They need us because they like the American money, we don’t need them.
The UN is pure evil, end of story.