(Commenting on)  WATCH: Trump says ‘too late to do another’ debate after Harris accepts CNN invitation



  1. Harris and the Dems are completely ridiculous if they thought for one second that President Trump would agree to debate under CNN’s auspices. And it IS too late.

    RIP Harris et all

    VOTE TRUMP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. FU harris you dumb bimbo. You lost your chance to make a final “lasting impression” with your stinking lies.
    Now eat it bitch. I am glad President Trump refused you only to listen to you repeat your memorized same old answers. “I was raised in a middle class community where people loved their lawns”. Who GAF where you were raised. May karma come a-knocking and you are toasted white bread.

  3. I’m glad Trump refused to debate her. Why should he? So he can respond to her lies and word salads and have biased cnn moderators help her along?
    Go to hell Kum-allah! And keep making a damned fool of yourself like you did on Oprah! I’ve lost total respect for Oprah! She can go to hell too!

  4. I am also very relieved Trump took the ” high road ” and will continue to rise above the sewagecrats . Way to go President Trump.and I agree with his take on Oprah .

  5. A lot of commentators like DML, Michael Savage, Steve Gardner have all opined it would be best for Trump to not go into another rigged debate with nothing to gain. Good choice on Trump’s part.

  6. I hope he only changes his mind if a debate can be had on FOX. Otherwise do what you’ve been doing.
    🇺🇸 TRUMP(Grandpa/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  7. Something to keep in mind. Trump is not really running against Harris. Trump is running against the Deep State / Democrat machine that is using Harris as a puppet and a figurehead much as they used Biden before her. If Harris is saying she wants another debate at cnn, it’s because the machine thinks that it’s good for them and that means that they’re worried. Even with all the advantages that they possess controlling the media and the justice system being used against Trump, they’re still concerned that Trump’s support is so massive that they will not be able to steal the election again convincingly. Since they also control the polling process for the most part, I’d be careful believing anything they tell you about the race being close. That’s only to make their steal plausible when they attempt it. I think the poll recently run by the teamsters is more likely. That poll showed Trump ahead two to one over Harris. If that was reported nationally, the race would be over right now.

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