(Commenting on)  WATCH: Trump announces he’s going to two cities suffering from illegal alien invasion



  1. Get the “F” out.
    Deport. Deport. Deport!
    I hope Trump interviews residents there to say how deplorable it is. Killing their pets. Killing their jobs. Killing their housing.
    What will the media do then? Cut and splice bits and pieces to say he’s lying???!

  2. These Haitians will take over when all other residents move away just like “Deerbornistan” Michigan where Muslims have taken over the whole town

  3. I can’t help but believe that these illigals are being put in small towns across America to move the American people out and resettle the illigals in .. forever changing America!
    The elite can say all they want that pets aren’t being ate or our lying eyes and ears are at it again. That doesn’t change the facts

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