(Commenting on)  WATCH: Trudeau called out by steelworker over high taxes, refuses handshake



  1. trudeau is another useless liberal moronic asshole. He is more worried about donuts than issues Canadians face. They are facing the same bullshit that Americans are facing. I love how the Canadian refused to shake his slimy hand. I would do the same to biden. Only I would be inclined to spit on him instead for the disrespect he showed 13 deceased American Patriots when they arrived home in body bags as their coffins rolled off a Military Transport. But spitting would be considered assault and polluting the environment. Not near the pollution of joe biden exhaling along with his useless family of grifters,tax evaders and money launderers.. Did joe or kamala mention anything about the young women raped and killed by illegal maggots. They couldn’t even mention their names. Did joe or that useless kackling kunt kamala mention anything about the six hostages murdered this week. No mention, right?

  2. Reminds me of two other worthless LibTard DemoncRats, Harris and Biden. They couldn’t be bothered to attend the Memorial at Arlington. One was sleeping on the beach. The other was at some big dollar fundraiser.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  3. That’s where KH wants to go. Her formal education was in Canada. She wants to tax us like Canadians to give us the crappy Canadian healthcare.

  4. Welcome to America dude. Get ready because he’s in the same league as the establishment over here. It will get worse for you all. Best of luck to you.

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