(Commenting on)  WATCH: Tim Walz Booed Outside of Michigan-Minnnesota Football Game



  1. Hysterical…..tampon tim had a few hired supporters and others screamng “get that bitch outta here, and Trump doesn’t have to pay anyone to show up….they all come by the thousands.

  2. Well Tim Walz showed he has No Class, he flipped off a guy in the stands that yelled Trump. Trump would Not have done that, he would have just smiled if someone yelled Walz, Just goes to show the better man.

    So funny, people actually Wait in the rain just to see Trump, 😋, no booing.

    It’s pretty bad when you have to bus in people to support you, Walz/Harris 😊🤣😂🤣😊🤣😂

  3. This cowpuck actually flipped the bird to people. Now that is turning people off. Some who may have voted his way might now run the other way. You could see that finger in the air right after someone booed him. Classless piece of low life. Too bad tampon tim, you didn’t have your staged paid actors supporting you this time, just like kamala the kam-u-nist, kommunist kunt did at Primanti Bros. Couldn’t you get enough white vans to transport those staged paid actors?

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