(Commenting on)  WATCH: Thousands of liberals and illegal aliens march through the streets protesting Trump’s election victory [VIDEOS]



  1. Sadly the fools who watch certain social media and MSM believe Trump is going to deport legal immigrants. These people have lost their minds. If we don’t have rule of law we have nothing

  2. Brazen! One would think they would keep a low profile if they don’t want to be deported. But I guess once you break one law , you are willing to break others. How does one who is not a citizen nor a legal immigrant have rights in a country that is not theirs???

  3. WTF….illegals are marching. Get the water cannons out and start blowing the bastards down to the river. WTF do they think they are. Then don’t even belong here legally. These fuckers have no clue what they are up against.

  4. They need to go and take the demonrats with you!
    They have zero rights here. They are ILLEGAL. Period.
    Of course they’d march. They kiss ALL their FREE stuff.
    Americans first!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. When their hotels are no longer free and their government checks stop coming, they will voluntarily go back where they came from.

  6. Where are their arrests? Did they pull a permit to march? Are they impeaching traffic? They are Illegals, they are criminals breaking our laws by entering illegally. Send them back.

  7. How about We The People of The United States of America🇺🇸🇺🇸Will Not Back Down to you Illegal Invaders!!NewYork should Not babysit their illegal asses anymore!! Get Out of our Country! If the mayor of Newyork city wants to stay out of jail, tell these invaders to go back to their motels and STFU. Yayyy Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Will not be intimidated by you illegal invaders!! Your going getting the hell out of America.

  8. These invaders are beyond delusional and need to be expelled. I don’t think the criminal illegal aliens should be the first to he deported; they are a small percentage. Get rid of the everyday illegals as depicted here.

    I also believe DML is 100% correct in his approach to mass deportation; make them self deport first by giving them the warning on media that they have 3 months to leave or their assets will be seized and they will be banned from ever being allowed to stay legally in the USA.

    It is too difficult and not feasible at this time to start hooking and booking these illegals. Make them leave on their own first.

  9. Get a job and pay for your own housing and food, just like “We the People” do! Bunch of freeloaders in NYC. Let all the liberals house them! Oh, and if you’re here illegally, you have no rights in the USA!

  10. Screw all of you low life maggots! We the people, more than half the country elected Donald Trump to be our president and get rid of all of you free loading maggots and keep the perverted freaks out of womens sports and bathrooms! I can’t wait to see all of you
    Rounded up and sent back where you came from! We don’t want you here!
    You’re NOT welcome! Go home!

  11. Woody Guthrie songs were being sung in my grade school classes a long time ago. My town received large family’s of immigrants from Cambodia 🇰🇭 1960s
    They walked from oldest male to youngest child in a straight line.
    And down the road they’d go different but quite the sight to see.

  12. And what other country can you come in illegally, get food, housing, cell phones for free and then have the balls to protest!! They have to go!!

  13. Boy, ya said it all . Good job.
    ILLEGALS, say no more. Do it the way my Dad did. Had to have a sponsor, pledge that he would not any Government money. Quarantined for Three days to be sure that he was not bringing any diseases into the country.
    We must continue to be a country of laws.

  14. Document them and tally by nationality and sex and criminal activity. Send them by bus to as close to point of origin as possible with best wishes. They keep what they can carry as that’s how they came into the US. Anyone attempting to interfere with the extraction of the illegals will be arrested and charged with federal obstruction charges or more.

  15. Soros is paying thousands of people a lot of money to do this 💩. If he keeps it up there won’t be much left for his punk kid.

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