(Commenting on)  WATCH THIS: Top DOJ spokesperson blasts DA Alvin Bragg over Trump prosecution in hidden camera video



  1. I wonder…. WAS that a jury of his (Pres Trump) peers? According to the dictionary ‘peers’ are:

    Plural form of peer

    nounA person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age.

    “children who are easily influenced by their peers.”

    So, were any of the jury multimillionaire? Were any in realty or real-estate developers?

    I don’t think so. So was the trial even balanced as far as the ‘Jury of his peers’ is concerned?

    My opinion? The whole thing was a violation of Pres Trump’s civil rights.

    And the upcoming trial that Jack (What’s his name?) Is pushing, will that also have a jury of “non- peers”? Again, my opinion.

  2. We all know if they sentence Trump to prison it will start a war.
    We all knew from day one this was a mockery.
    This guy needs to own up now and be the bigger person. This needs to be on trumps ads somehow. It will never be written on the media.
    We, the people, with a brain know it’s unjust. Unfair. Uncivilized. Corrupt. Political interference. Evil. Pure evil.
    The Judge, the DA and everyone else need to be removed then punished accordingly.

    Share this with your friends.

      • My thought is that he will be taken out because he put the thought out there now of being a whistle blower. He can’t take back what he already said. People already heard him loud and clear. The clinton’s are already circling the wagon. What’s the clinton count up to now, about 70.

  3. I agree with a comment made about running towards the firer.
    First it would be harder to firer this person from speaking out but also it shows he has a backbone.
    If he truly was just trying to impress a girl and spoke out against coworkers to me that would be a reason to fire or move this person. Would you want him in your office?
    I really dislike people who act this way.
    I agree you could have been a hero.

  4. So he made a comment only to impress a woman he just met? Is that the respect he has for women? Tell them anything you think they want to hear so maybe you could get lucky? I think he was just trying to get laid, and figured she was just a gullable piece of meat to be conqered, and he was just the man to do it.
    “But he wasnt!”

  5. This guy is absolutely right, walking his comments back later or not.

    Democrats are using black big-city lawyers to further their disgraceful agenda. Shame on all of them.

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