(Commenting on)  WATCH: Sugar Bowl’s corporate sponsor CEO blasted for ‘tone-deaf’ statement after terror attack



  1. Tone deaf doesn’t even cover that stupid remark. This was an attack by a exsteme religion group who believe we should all die. You can be just as nice as you can and these people will kill you anyways. This idiot just lost his company customers. Let’s see how bad it hets

  2. I see another company biting the dust. Not by inflation but pure stupidity and blatant ignorance. I hope so many people call to cancel their insurance the phone lines jam and their internet system crashes. RIP All State.

  3. They call it divisiveness and and racist, we call it violence, evil and down right anti American. People like him is why we have an uptick in violent crimes her in our country. They coddle criminals and persecute citizens for protecting themselves or others on these beliefs. Islam is not the peaceful religion they want you to believe, this religion is built on violence and has been since Mohammed 1400 years ago.

  4. I would cancel my auto policy that I’ve had for 54 years, but if I did, this a$shole would probably be fired a week later. I’ll just sit tight and wait for his head to fall.


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