These grand standing outburst are not for the party or even against Trump. It is their way of getting noticed. Watch how many TV interviews he will now have..
Remember when Kamala did all the grandstanding during Judge Kavanahs confirmation? She did it to be noticed then she ran for president… Ridiculous and should be punishable
It was delicious seeing a big mouth racist as green escorted out of the chamber. Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit ya in the ass, green. You and your party were a bunch of disgusting cockroaches. You people can’t even pay respects to a young boy who has/had cancer, to mothers who have lost their children to rape and murder, to a hostage who was wrongly accused and to women who are being erased by trans men. You are all a bunch of lowlife filthy cockroaches. Ya know what we do in the south when we see a cockroach…..WE STEP ON IT. You are all ZEROS in my book…..How does it feel to be a ZERO green?
The dems will be yelling racism tomorrow. How disgusting they were. I’m actually proud of the Republicans. Hopefully they will unite solidly behind the president.
Despite the lowlife behavior thrown at Trump, he just continued speaking ,no engaging with the commie pigs .He took the high road .Class all the way …Looks like Speaker Johnson is growing a pair of brass ones. ….
Al Green is a total commie thug! He needs to be censured and expelled from Congress! The democrats that were involved in the disruption should as lap be censured!! They are an embarrassment!! The failing demoncRAT party of anti-American communist losers! I have no friends that are demoncRATS!!
My husband’s sister and her stupid husband are democrats. They are both dumb as rocks and neither went to college. They got married at 18 and popped out 8 kids (1 per year) so he could avoid the draft.
She is also a damn ugly representative to represent people. How could anyone even stand to look at that. It belongs in the “Haunted Mansion” at Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Would love to see her pose behind a gravestone while traveling in the DOOM BUGGEY for the journey. When Disney first opened in Orlando on October 1, 1971, we would plan it in our golf outings twice a year for almost 25 years thereafter, and Disney was always included in our 7-day golf adventures. We have been to every venue in Florida many times but no longer go to Disney when they pulled the woke BS. I now have better places to spend my money.
We’re back.
These grand standing outburst are not for the party or even against Trump. It is their way of getting noticed. Watch how many TV interviews he will now have..
Remember when Kamala did all the grandstanding during Judge Kavanahs confirmation? She did it to be noticed then she ran for president… Ridiculous and should be punishable
How can an idiot like him keep getting elected? I thought Texans were smarter than that.He might be worse than Mad Maxine.
We in Texas can’t stand Green either. Im not in his district in South Houston. I dont think he wins fairly or there is alot of democrats in his area.
It was delicious seeing a big mouth racist as green escorted out of the chamber. Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit ya in the ass, green. You and your party were a bunch of disgusting cockroaches. You people can’t even pay respects to a young boy who has/had cancer, to mothers who have lost their children to rape and murder, to a hostage who was wrongly accused and to women who are being erased by trans men. You are all a bunch of lowlife filthy cockroaches. Ya know what we do in the south when we see a cockroach…..WE STEP ON IT. You are all ZEROS in my book…..How does it feel to be a ZERO green?
The dems will be yelling racism tomorrow. How disgusting they were. I’m actually proud of the Republicans. Hopefully they will unite solidly behind the president.
It looked preplanned to me.
Despite the lowlife behavior thrown at Trump, he just continued speaking ,no engaging with the commie pigs .He took the high road .Class all the way …Looks like Speaker Johnson is growing a pair of brass ones. ….
That troublemaker, Green, deserved to be kicked out. He needs to be expelled from Congress.
The Democrats were plain rude when they would not even recognize the special guest. I have lost all respect for them.
Al Green is a total commie thug! He needs to be censured and expelled from Congress! The democrats that were involved in the disruption should as lap be censured!! They are an embarrassment!! The failing demoncRAT party of anti-American communist losers! I have no friends that are demoncRATS!!
My husband’s sister and her stupid husband are democrats. They are both dumb as rocks and neither went to college. They got married at 18 and popped out 8 kids (1 per year) so he could avoid the draft.
Anyone know who that sour face old hag with the purple hair is? That is frightful and was hard on the eyes.
Unfortunately she represents the State of CT. She’s unhinged.
She is also a damn ugly representative to represent people. How could anyone even stand to look at that. It belongs in the “Haunted Mansion” at Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Would love to see her pose behind a gravestone while traveling in the DOOM BUGGEY for the journey. When Disney first opened in Orlando on October 1, 1971, we would plan it in our golf outings twice a year for almost 25 years thereafter, and Disney was always included in our 7-day golf adventures. We have been to every venue in Florida many times but no longer go to Disney when they pulled the woke BS. I now have better places to spend my money.
For me, that was the highlight of the address. Republicans can be assertive. Wish they would stay that way. So many good things happened last night.
The liberals were on full insane display last night!! Purple hair and Omar head rap. Wow! So glad Trump/ Vance Won!!🇺🇸🇺🇸
Houstonians must vote this deluded piece of garbage out.