Karma has a way of coming back at you for such outrageous lies. The Dems are very adept at putting out lies and are never held accountable. I loathe the MSM that doesn’t push back on outrageous claims. This one is a special kind of stupidity. Like I said karma will find a way. Sooner than later would be best.
This little bitch is allegedly an attorney. She must be a DEI attorney who just got the job based on race and sex, but no brains. How did she pass the Bar Exam if she claims illegals didn’t break the law crossing illegally. WTF. She probably didn’t. Her wrong answers were corrected to pass the bimbo to make their quota. What a stupid, pathetic bitch. Another one who needs to be censured and dragged off to jail. The law is very clear in those two references.
Crockshit is a 43 year old fraud. She tries to use language indicative as a person from an urban area (hood). Crocshit like AOC grew up on the nice side of town. She portrays herself as a hood person to pander to young impressionable voters. She should have understanding of the law, either she cheated her way through school or as I suspect she is just putting on show similar to Vanilla Ice. I guess it’s her way of impressing black voters.
Open mouth and spew stupidity
Gotta love Homan, he tells it like it really is! Crockett is a stupid and ignorant, about par for a DemoncRAT!!!
Jasmine “Crockshit” is just that…a crock of shit!!! Anyone who believes ANYTHING she has to say is a buffoon!!!
Bragging about breaking the laws WTF why aren’t they arrested?? I’m sick of this …
Karma has a way of coming back at you for such outrageous lies. The Dems are very adept at putting out lies and are never held accountable. I loathe the MSM that doesn’t push back on outrageous claims. This one is a special kind of stupidity. Like I said karma will find a way. Sooner than later would be best.
This little bitch is allegedly an attorney. She must be a DEI attorney who just got the job based on race and sex, but no brains. How did she pass the Bar Exam if she claims illegals didn’t break the law crossing illegally. WTF. She probably didn’t. Her wrong answers were corrected to pass the bimbo to make their quota. What a stupid, pathetic bitch. Another one who needs to be censured and dragged off to jail. The law is very clear in those two references.
The very words illegally coming here says it all. Its a fricken crime and has been since I was a little girl and Im 70 now.
I never thought anyone could be less intelligent than AOC. I WAS WRONG.
Crockshit is a 43 year old fraud. She tries to use language indicative as a person from an urban area (hood). Crocshit like AOC grew up on the nice side of town. She portrays herself as a hood person to pander to young impressionable voters. She should have understanding of the law, either she cheated her way through school or as I suspect she is just putting on show similar to Vanilla Ice. I guess it’s her way of impressing black voters.
The word “illegal” means it’s a crime.
Definitely went to a Demonrat run school being taught what to think, not how to think. Google the word, Jasmin.
I honestly hope that the next murdered person by an illegal creep is someone near and dear to her heart-