The American Dream is for AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! What do the DemoncRats not get about that? We don’t pay OUR taxes to be given away to ILLEGAL INVADERS!!!
They are beginning to piss off over 1/2 the Country and they won’t like the results 🤬
Exactly, Just what I was going to say. Pelosi knew the bill , she was just playing dumb like she usually does to avoid answer the questions.
Why doesn’t trashbag pelosi donate some of her ill-gotten gains from INSIDER TRADING to these filthy maggot freeloading pigs. Does Nvidia mean anything to you nancy? I hope 16 venezuelans piss in your pool tonight, you despicable subhuman skank. Go back to your mafia buddies in baltimore, you freaking ugly monster. You were the one who set up Trump on January 6th. You think we haven’t figured that out yet. You, DC mayor bowser, and sergeant at arms michael stenger were the ones who turned 10,000 National Guard Troops away, you fucking piece of lowlife garbage.
Wow!!!! The was SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!! I hope 30 punks piss in her pool and they might as well crap in it too. The sidewalks in California don’t need more fecal matter anyways.
Sometimes, I just cannot help myself from saying these things when I see that ugly botoxed bitch face on pelosi. This hag used to accompany her father who was the mayor of Baltimore in the 40’s when he would meet with people of importance (barf). He was best budds with Benny “Trotta” Magliano, allegedly a member of the gambino mafia crime family and one of Baltimore’s top hoodlums. The mafia was well known for keeping Baltimore running like a well-oiled machine. It was well oiled alright, enough to grease the palms of assholes like pelosi’s father Thomas D’Alesandro who was mayor of Baltimore 1947-1959 and his son Thomas D’Alesandro III who became mayor of Baltimore from 1967-1971. The entire family was a bunch of thugs. The information is now considered publiclyreleased information. What a bunch of scumbags, just like nancy. If you lie down with flea infested dogs, you will get up with fleas.
She likes this bill so much then start with HER money not ours!
The American Dream is for AMERICANS not illegals. She’s a damn communist!
Any normal Californian left needs to boycott this. Those Hollyweird ppl don’t care they have so much money they don’t care.
The turkey neck hag pelosi just can’t keep her mouth shut, can she.
I have always said that we the citizen taxpayers are the true slaves!!!
The people of Calif have not voted for or want this bullshit. That damn Democrat machine took over all politics in Calif. elections are not fair. There is no dem vs rep. Only the two running with the highest amount of votes. They ensure only a dem vs a dem runs. Voting machines controlled by Calif mafia. (Pelosi) family. Trust me there are many many republicans here. But we are kept silenced. Illegals don’t deserve one damn thing
Can’t wait to leave this communist shit hole
See my post above about the Baltimore crime family thomas d’alesandro and son….. pelosi’s father and brother. All stinking thugs.
Has she looked at aurora colorado?!!!we don’t want that kind of people documented!!!!
That is a bunch of bullshit! Giving tax payers money to someone who has done nothing! How about all the Citizens of California receiving the money đź’° first so they can live the California dream of owning a home!!! Those IDIOTS that proposed this bill need to be FIRED!
What ever happened to America first?
Obviously the Dems don’t give a rat’s ass about us Americans!!!!
I live in KS. My home cost me 150,00. I have a 30 yr loan. Sometimes I have to
put gas and groceries in a credit card and this past month I made my car payment 2 weeks late. I’ve never been late. I’m single- I make 50$ an hour and I try to assist my 7 grandchildren as their parents struggled financially. I do notice a high popping of my paycheck
goes to the government. This makes me sick.
I work so
hard to take a yearly vacation and i sold part of my retirement to go to Colorado- now I hear the Venezuelan gangs are infiltrating Denver.
Ye- for the first time i my life- Om going to buy a gun. They want to take our guns while these Biden employees are literally strapped. I believe civil war is coming.
You see, this is what the Democrats are all about. Take care of illegals and the hell with Americans. Let the legal citizens foot the bill. Anything for that vote. Right Nancy? You pig.
Pelosi ls a scumbag period!
Get this old bag of bones out of the Government.
The American Dream is for AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! What do the DemoncRats not get about that? We don’t pay OUR taxes to be given away to ILLEGAL INVADERS!!!
They are beginning to piss off over 1/2 the Country and they won’t like the results 🤬
Exactly, Just what I was going to say. Pelosi knew the bill , she was just playing dumb like she usually does to avoid answer the questions.
Why doesn’t trashbag pelosi donate some of her ill-gotten gains from INSIDER TRADING to these filthy maggot freeloading pigs. Does Nvidia mean anything to you nancy? I hope 16 venezuelans piss in your pool tonight, you despicable subhuman skank. Go back to your mafia buddies in baltimore, you freaking ugly monster. You were the one who set up Trump on January 6th. You think we haven’t figured that out yet. You, DC mayor bowser, and sergeant at arms michael stenger were the ones who turned 10,000 National Guard Troops away, you fucking piece of lowlife garbage.
Wow!!!! The was SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!! I hope 30 punks piss in her pool and they might as well crap in it too. The sidewalks in California don’t need more fecal matter anyways.
Sometimes, I just cannot help myself from saying these things when I see that ugly botoxed bitch face on pelosi. This hag used to accompany her father who was the mayor of Baltimore in the 40’s when he would meet with people of importance (barf). He was best budds with Benny “Trotta” Magliano, allegedly a member of the gambino mafia crime family and one of Baltimore’s top hoodlums. The mafia was well known for keeping Baltimore running like a well-oiled machine. It was well oiled alright, enough to grease the palms of assholes like pelosi’s father Thomas D’Alesandro who was mayor of Baltimore 1947-1959 and his son Thomas D’Alesandro III who became mayor of Baltimore from 1967-1971. The entire family was a bunch of thugs. The information is now considered publiclyreleased information. What a bunch of scumbags, just like nancy. If you lie down with flea infested dogs, you will get up with fleas.
She likes this bill so much then start with HER money not ours!
The American Dream is for AMERICANS not illegals. She’s a damn communist!
Any normal Californian left needs to boycott this. Those Hollyweird ppl don’t care they have so much money they don’t care.
The turkey neck hag pelosi just can’t keep her mouth shut, can she.
I have always said that we the citizen taxpayers are the true slaves!!!
The people of Calif have not voted for or want this bullshit. That damn Democrat machine took over all politics in Calif. elections are not fair. There is no dem vs rep. Only the two running with the highest amount of votes. They ensure only a dem vs a dem runs. Voting machines controlled by Calif mafia. (Pelosi) family. Trust me there are many many republicans here. But we are kept silenced. Illegals don’t deserve one damn thing
Can’t wait to leave this communist shit hole
See my post above about the Baltimore crime family thomas d’alesandro and son….. pelosi’s father and brother. All stinking thugs.
Has she looked at aurora colorado?!!!we don’t want that kind of people documented!!!!
That is a bunch of bullshit! Giving tax payers money to someone who has done nothing! How about all the Citizens of California receiving the money đź’° first so they can live the California dream of owning a home!!! Those IDIOTS that proposed this bill need to be FIRED!
What ever happened to America first?
Obviously the Dems don’t give a rat’s ass about us Americans!!!!
I live in KS. My home cost me 150,00. I have a 30 yr loan. Sometimes I have to
put gas and groceries in a credit card and this past month I made my car payment 2 weeks late. I’ve never been late. I’m single- I make 50$ an hour and I try to assist my 7 grandchildren as their parents struggled financially. I do notice a high popping of my paycheck
goes to the government. This makes me sick.
I work so
hard to take a yearly vacation and i sold part of my retirement to go to Colorado- now I hear the Venezuelan gangs are infiltrating Denver.
Ye- for the first time i my life- Om going to buy a gun. They want to take our guns while these Biden employees are literally strapped. I believe civil war is coming.
You see, this is what the Democrats are all about. Take care of illegals and the hell with Americans. Let the legal citizens foot the bill. Anything for that vote. Right Nancy? You pig.
Pelosi ls a scumbag period!
Get this old bag of bones out of the Government.