(Commenting on)  WATCH: Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour touts progress



  1. I figured this raghead POS would re-emerge when she has been in hiding for a while. Go back to your raghead hole country linda, you are a hateful, vile, venomous TWAT. Don’t try to make America like the crap hole of your ancestry. You wouldn’t get center stage in your own country, as women get no respect there. They are usually raped and eliminated so you come here with your garbage. If you hate America, GTFO. WE DON’T BOW TO RAGHEADS and goat humpers.

  2. She needs to be impeached. Removed from congress. Revoke her citizenship and be deported back to Somalia. She is a traitor to America

    • rashida tlaib in Congress is a palestinian. She should be impeached, her citizenship revoked and removed from the Halls of Congress. ilhan omar is another raghead but from somalia. Same should be done to her.

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