(Commenting on)  WATCH: Obama rants about those who ‘rig elections and weaponize the justice system’



  1. Wow sounds like he was talking about the Democrats. He’s so afraid to see this country come together and prosper. Obama you had 3 terms now it’s time to go away if you don’t have anything good to say

    • In this case the pot is black. oscumbag needs to look in the mirror to verify that. I guess he thinks his election had no fraud. He came out of nowhere and became a president. A useless one with a useless brain- dead meat suit joe biden for a vice president. Both rotten to the core. He wanted to transform; no wait, he wanted to destroy America and he almost did with the help of the brain-dead meat suit hoping to continue with kamala the kunt. November 6th was a good day for America. Now why don’t you and joe with his family of grifters disappear into oblivion and let PRESIDENT TRUMP get down to business of Making America Grand Again. GTFO obama. No one will even miss your ass and take big mike with you.

  2. We are a REPUBLIC you f’n commie scumbag, please 🙏 get the f out of we the peoples America you f’n lying 🤥 po💩. You are not relevant and it’s your disgusting 🤮 party that did the stealing and all the corruption. One poor excuse of mankind, racist liar.

  3. Well he should know. I’m sure he helped with the 2020 election being rigged. He needs to go back to Kenya and take his male wife with him. Amen

  4. I truly loathe Obama. What a friggin hypocrite. Talk about transference. I am so relieved the Dems lost. We can breathe a bit easier. The “O” boy wants a one world government. Quit trying to gaslight people.

  5. When I saw his face the first time…I knew he was a snake. No way I ever voted for him….you can feel the evil coming off of him….like Hillary. I mean, I know I’m Republican, but still…..

  6. Sounds to me like he’s talking about his own party. I never trusted Obama since he came outta nowhere. I’m surprised he’s still in the country. Our country went way downhill after the gullible fell for him. I do believe that the evil dems lead by him will be exposed when Trump takes office.

  7. He has hurt feelings because his successive puppet was not elected and he won’t have a fourth term to completely destroy America. He cannot stand opposition to his ideas. He was raised by communists and exposed to communism in his young life and never looked for what the alternative could be. Thank God the people of the United States stood up to elect a strong leader.

  8. He’s right, we the MAGA saw what the DemoncRATS were doing and said enough is enough. Also, a good number of REAL Democrats saw the same and crossed over to the MAGA side. So Barry can go pound sand and drown in the Pacific ocean. He’s pissed because he didn’t get his 4th term. Worthless POS!!!!

  9. Kamala’s been crying on Barry’s shoulders for days and now her buddy Barry wants to bash the American people for saying enough is enough. P.S. your party is SICK IN THE HEAD EVIL !

  10. ……..or let millions of illegal aliens pour into our country hoping they will vote for the democrats.

  11. Projection: Accuse others of doing the exact things you are actually doing. This is textbook Projection!

  12. I thought it was the uneducated white womens fault. Obama needs to go to a quiet dark
    place and contemplate all his crimes against humanity and his chef. Nobody cares what the p diddy elite wack job thinks.
    What was the Mar Lago invasion? Remember when Biden had his cartel invade Juliana’s home? Just STFU already- seriously.

  13. Hmmm… is the Kenyan starting to feel fear? Biden giving Hunter a pardon stretching back almost 11 years has caused the corrupt grifting Biden clan’s crimes to rise to the surface- just like a body in a lake that slipped its restraints to hold it down. The stink is there for all to remember and with Trump coming in, it might drag the Kenyan into it. You gotta know he was involved in VO Biden’s selling out the country to the highest bidder. He was worth something like 500k when he took office, left office with many millions.

  14. Always trying to blame others for the things you do. That’s the Demonrat way. The evil, corrupt way.
    Barry, you did your damage, pack your crap and get out. No, better yet, wait a while so we can see your sorry ass get shipped to Gitmo.

  15. Hey Obama. You and Mike need to leave America. You both have done enough damage to this country. But guess what?
    We’re getting Americans back on track.
    So take the hint, your political career is over. Get lost.

  16. Somebody must think it’s important what this slime has to say. Stop sticking a microphone in front his pie hole. He needs to go home and have a sword fight with big mike.😆

  17. Why is he allowed to promote violence & no one says anything? Just like when he was president….no one said anything against him for fear of being labeled a racist. He is such a narcissist….& evil.

  18. At least he didn’t say Republicans. Lol
    We all know they point fingers and tell you it’s them not me. My hope is during Trumps term he can place people to clean up our government. We have got to get term limits. The career politician has to much power

  19. Release his college transcript, that is being kept from the public .He got foreign student aid and his real birth place. Release Them. (Obama’s )

    Obama, the worlds most privileged hypocrite even to exist!

  21. Funny how tObama and the Demoncrats talk about what they say the Republicans are doing when it is them who are doing it. It’s like the cheating husband who accuses his wife of cheating. My ex-husband is a Democrat.

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