(Commenting on)  WATCH: Multiple groups of Middle Eastern illegal aliens cross into US



  1. Special interest Illegal Invaders. Whose special interest are they? They are from Countries that are not to friendly to the US. They are, in my mind, either future Illegal Voters or TERRORISTS. Both of which the CORRUPT O’BaDin administration should be tried and put in Guantanamo for TREASON!

  2. Oh boy, we are really in big trouble. Biden and Harris need to be held accountable when something major happens. Trump can’t win soon enough to clean up this mess!

  3. The uptick is due to the fact that Trump will likely win the election in November and then they won’t have an opportunity to enter into the country. They are trying to get in now and hide before they are marked as terrorist and deported or imprisoned.

  4. Since the federal government is charge of protecting our borders and have Failed Traitorously . Armed citizens militias from every state should protect our border let’s go.

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