And there lies the problem thousands of “students” that are flooding we the peoples republic to attend universities, WHY? Get the fk out of America and take your flags and signs with your sorry asses. It’s not our war to fight it’s gone on for who knows how long and if it’s that important to your punk asses take your “protesting energies” back and join the fight in your OWN f’n country.
This sh!T has to stop. Deport them all. Professional signs and flags. Follow the money and lock them up. BiDUNG ignored every damn order, continued to allowing millions of these heathens in. Just send them all back. Let them fight for terrorists. This has to stop. It’s already out of hand. You’re showing them that they can continue. Deport all.
Muslims have never stopped attacking Christianity based countries since Mohammed first dreamed up that awful religion. It’s pure evil. The plan is to o retake the Western world over the course of generations and thru massive immigration. Already in the U.S. are “no go” areas where if a woman isn’t completely covered in a beekeeper suit, she could be stoned to death. I think it was in Detroit (?) a Muslim area has its own police force who not only do what normal cops do, but also look for infringements against Sharia law.
I know “freedom of religion” is in the Bill of Rughtz, but our founders never saw the evil of Islam invading this country.
The Justice Dept needs to investigate who is funding these TERRORIST activities, Soros & friends. Arrest them and freeze their assets. Charge them with instigating an overthrow of OUR Country. This 💩 would stop.
So what let them ……if they do anything illegal arrest their ass and make an example of them ! If they protest without incident they will eventually get tired and bored and go home .
Get the water cannons out and blow these bastards down to the Potomac a couple miles. Let them sink or swim. A few dead ones in the river may send a strong message. Deport the rest of the pigs and burn their flags in a rag pile while they watch.
And there lies the problem thousands of “students” that are flooding we the peoples republic to attend universities, WHY? Get the fk out of America and take your flags and signs with your sorry asses. It’s not our war to fight it’s gone on for who knows how long and if it’s that important to your punk asses take your “protesting energies” back and join the fight in your OWN f’n country.
I totally agree with what this person says. I’m done with all their antics and flag flying. Get the f out of the USA
This sh!T has to stop. Deport them all. Professional signs and flags. Follow the money and lock them up. BiDUNG ignored every damn order, continued to allowing millions of these heathens in. Just send them all back. Let them fight for terrorists. This has to stop. It’s already out of hand. You’re showing them that they can continue. Deport all.
Muslims have never stopped attacking Christianity based countries since Mohammed first dreamed up that awful religion. It’s pure evil. The plan is to o retake the Western world over the course of generations and thru massive immigration. Already in the U.S. are “no go” areas where if a woman isn’t completely covered in a beekeeper suit, she could be stoned to death. I think it was in Detroit (?) a Muslim area has its own police force who not only do what normal cops do, but also look for infringements against Sharia law.
I know “freedom of religion” is in the Bill of Rughtz, but our founders never saw the evil of Islam invading this country.
The Justice Dept needs to investigate who is funding these TERRORIST activities, Soros & friends. Arrest them and freeze their assets. Charge them with instigating an overthrow of OUR Country. This 💩 would stop.
Lock em up..we will get to them in 4 years or so..paybacks a bitch!
These are Anti Americans that just like protesting. Doesn’t matter about what.
So what let them ……if they do anything illegal arrest their ass and make an example of them ! If they protest without incident they will eventually get tired and bored and go home .
Two words : Water Cannon
Get the water cannons out and blow these bastards down to the Potomac a couple miles. Let them sink or swim. A few dead ones in the river may send a strong message. Deport the rest of the pigs and burn their flags in a rag pile while they watch.