(Commenting on)  WATCH: Mixed-Race Voter Declares She Does Not Feel Any Connection With Kamala Harris



  1. Seriously? Who really gives a flying fu*k, this culture primarily ALWAYS vote for their own race unlike the white shill traitors. AND they vote 95+% for the commie devil DEMONcrates so this “News flash” is laughable.

  2. What is a mixed race. I thought most of us were of mixed race. Im Czech, Mexican and Irish mixed race here. Who picks a candidate by race. If that were the case Obama would not have won.

  3. This trashbag had nothing to say. She is only black when it’s convenient, and indian when she needs to be. I am sick of her 13-year-old school girl actions, like a little teeny bopper who just got her period. Go get a tampon from tampon tim….he may be able to help you out there kommie kammie.

    You have said nothing about YOUR policies, only those you have stolen from President Trumps list of policies. We already know what you are all about along with your pathetic excuse for a vice president, another lying piece of trash.

  4. I never understand the messaging with rascism. We are all people and should never be targeted because of our skin color period. Yet the same people (Dems) who also say that, want you to vote for them or help them out because of their skin color? Then when they use that to their advantage and don’t get what they want it’s not because of their inability but rather you are rascist.

  5. I briefly watched joe biden and kamala in Pittsburgh today 9/2/24 with all 50 people behind them cheering. Is that all they got. Joe mumbling something while he was screaming for 50 people who showed up when Preseident Trump gets 10 of thousands of supporters. No way this bimbo kamala the kunt is neck-n-neck in any polls. She is dumber than head lettuce. I hate head lettuce. Well, I guess that is why bricks are dense.

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