That was so nice of her to reach out to the woman. No if I had to learn a language, it would have to be either Hispanic, Chinese or German. Hmm, wonder why!!!
The REAL first Lady was compassionate and concerned ,the people saw it first hand NO matter what language was spoken , unlike the previous lowlife ….It’s not like these ” interpretors” reached out and helped…go back under your rocks …
That was so nice of her to reach out to the woman. No if I had to learn a language, it would have to be either Hispanic, Chinese or German. Hmm, wonder why!!!
The REAL first Lady was compassionate and concerned ,the people saw it first hand NO matter what language was spoken , unlike the previous lowlife ….It’s not like these ” interpretors” reached out and helped…go back under your rocks …
The last worst lady does understand a language none of us understand, Biden, I think 😉
There’s a slightly longer version of the clip out there.
All that just to say, “I came here 10 yrs ago”?!!??
The classiest first lady ever!
Originally posted January 26th 9:57pm