Remove and replace! I’m sure the council member from Columbia came here legally and probably fled her country. These three should become the example of what not to do. Let’s get them off the council. The citizens of FM should be pissed…rightfully!
Unbelievable how they don’t support keeping (mostly senior citizens) safe? Get them out now. Set the example. Leave Florida if you don’t like it. No tolerance for this bullsh!T behavior, putting citizens in danger. We don’t need Colombian idiots in office.
Simply get rid of those three
Yep. Easy peasy and don’t let the door hit you on your a$$ on the way out!
Remove, remove, remove…
Remove and replace! I’m sure the council member from Columbia came here legally and probably fled her country. These three should become the example of what not to do. Let’s get them off the council. The citizens of FM should be pissed…rightfully!
Unbelievable how they don’t support keeping (mostly senior citizens) safe? Get them out now. Set the example. Leave Florida if you don’t like it. No tolerance for this bullsh!T behavior, putting citizens in danger. We don’t need Colombian idiots in office.