(Commenting on)  WATCH: Karine Jean-Pierre gives jaw-dropping response on calling Trump a ‘threat’ to democracy despite murder plots



  1. Idiot he has always talked about Jan 6 never brought any threats to his life. It DEFINETLY is the dems causing the threats on his life no matter what you say.

  2. They think if they keep repeating the same thing over and over again that we will believe them. Just like Harris answer is about her upbringing instead of answering the question.

    • And talking about her upbringing is a lie. If she was middle class being a child of 2 college professors, I was a child who had to move 13 times during my school days. That’s right, we did have to move trying to find affordable rent.

  3. OMG.. she is a disgrace to the United States of America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Go Back to where you are from!! So Sick of Her Lies. Don’t let the door hit ya on the Way Out! She needs to Be Fired like years ago, but this takes the cake of hate!!Vote Trump/ Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. They forget that Biden made comments “bullseye” against Trump yet she says they are against this rhetoric! What lying bullshit artists they are!!
    Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • Ruth…I’ll pick up where you left off Ruth. Right now I am about ready to hurl monkey puke green vomit at this twatwaffle. Cannot stand a lyin’ lesbo DEI hire, and she is one.

  5. So president biden was clear eyed?????? karine jean-pierre “WHAT ABOUT CLEAR BRAINED”, kjp. This dumb ass donkey butt is a ‘BRAIN DEAD MEAT SUIT”. You know it, we know it, and the entire world knows it. You keep covering for joe biden; but pfffft, his own party kicked him under the bus. And cnn was the first kicker, TOUCHDOWN. That was the quickest kick and it happened within 5 minutes of that debate ending.

  6. Oh KJP stands up there and lies with a strange face acting so in control. She knows what the VP and President says about Trump. So do most of the Dumbocrats. They won’t be happy until Trump is out of the picture. How can anyone in their right mind vote for Harris and the wacko VP. 🤬

  7. That’s funny because Trump’s never been convicted and gone to jail for any of the things they’ve accused him of. If they had any real evidence of him committing a crime, he would’ve been long gone by now! They know they have nothing and they know he has the goods on every darn one of them! They will keep sending their little brainwash clones out there to try to take him out! To little to late, the American people are waking up! The deep state Cabal is coming down! P. Diddy is a small fish compared to where his case is going to lead us!


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