(Commenting on)  WATCH: Kamala Harris mocked as ‘drunk auntie’ for nonsensical ‘word salad’ speech to Broadway cast



  1. Listened to her “salad” a couple of times. Sounded like she had drunk the whole box before she spoke. I am so thankful that the people spoke on November 5th.

    • That bag of white stuff found in the White House….she absconded with it. There were probably more bags hidden in other cubby holes.

  2. Yawn, then laugh hysterically, then yawn again. That wasn’t just a word salad….that was an entire paragraph salad. You might need two sporks (spoon and fork) to tackle that one. Have no clue what her message was. She doesn’t either.

  3. She’s clearly drinking. And speaking spontaneously, which I believe she often has done since it’s pretty hard to remember a speech with alcohol circulating in your system. She also has always truly humbly lolololol believed all the spinning her handlers have always coached her with. Again, for years. Pretty pathetic … and pretty has also helped. She couldn’t even hold a candle to two other ladies cut from the same cloth who were very popular in their day (Feinstein and Warren-both hypocrites of the first order). But it really just goes to show that the Dems running things just didn’t care about who she was, just that she got elected so THEY could keep running things

  4. Typical Kamala. As a nurse- I noticed her left hand being placed near her pubic region a lot as if that area is irritated.She might have a urinary tract infection which can cause some confusion in the elderly.
    I also noticed signs of intoxication.


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