A staged hot mic moment. What can be worse
Bovine excrement a accidental hot mike!! The boom mikes weren’t there by happen stance??
Everything about harris and whst she does is so “FAKE” its nauseating …🤢🤮
Most UNqualified candidate ever!!!
I think she feels right at home being a barfly.
There you go fake drinking a beer so you might persuade the men to vote for your cackling ass.
2 evil communist
Two terrorists and violence inciters
They are not who they pretend to be for sure
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A staged hot mic moment. What can be worse
Bovine excrement a accidental hot mike!! The boom mikes weren’t there by happen stance??
Everything about harris and whst she does is so “FAKE” its nauseating …🤢🤮
Most UNqualified candidate ever!!!
I think she feels right at home being a barfly.
There you go fake drinking a beer so you might persuade the men to vote for your cackling ass.
2 evil communist
Two terrorists and violence inciters
They are not who they pretend to be for sure