(Commenting on)  WATCH: Joy Reid cries in final show, Maddow fumes against MSNBC



  1. The only RACISM was what she spewed everyday against Republican Whte People. She wasn’t a journalist, just a PROPAGANDIST.
    Good riddance!!!

  2. I’m always amazed when a person under preforms and is actually horrible at their job gets fired it isn’t because of their merit just the color of their skin. So MSNBC prove you aren’t rascist and firer the white Maddow…

  3. It’s not racism! Maybe Rachel should be fired too. Or she can quit in solidarity. Joy was a hateful mean woman. She was the one or is the one that is racist. I’m sure the troll will be back to spew more hate somewhere. I can only pray she never comes back to tv or radio. Just go away.

  4. I give MSNBC a standing ovation for dispatching this racist POS. Madcow needs to go as well just to shut them up about a racist narrative and drive the last nail in the coffin with the other two white jerks, sorry I don’t know their names.

  5. Imagine that, joy-less reid let go during Black History Month. Will she go down in history? I think she already has. The world is laughing at her. The tears, yes the tears are hilarious. Remember when she stated that she was highly offended at White Women’s tears. I am not offended by your tears joy-less, I am overjoyed that you were thrown out and you can’t stop crying over it. Ugly racist bimbo. It is truly delicious to see her in agony. LOL LOL LOL LOL

  6. More Jerry springer fake bull💩 by the culture of dumb. Nothing but a commie raciest full of hate spreading her fake narrative. Too bad madcow was not on the list as well, another one full of hate spreading her mentality ill perverted bull💩. Karma may have finally caught up with the hypocrite bucket of fake tears hateful commie.


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