(Commenting on)  WATCH: Is this a clue about who Trump will choose for his running mate?



  1. I agree, Ben.Carson !!.that horrendous bill DML posted lead by Rubio on immigration/ amnesty needs to be put in front of Trump so he can RE read it and say goodbye Rubio…

  2. What about General Flynn? I’ve heard his name as a possible pick. I know he’s not on the short list.

  3. I think he is selecting JD Vance. I’m on board because he is a Marine and has served our country which I think we need a veteran in the Presidential office or as VP. He is also small town America and knows what it feels like to live as most of us do. He can serve 4 years with Trump, and then choose Don Jr. or Eric Trump as his VP for the next 8 years and get this country back on track!!!

  4. I like Gen. Flynn too. Definitely NOT Rubio. I can almost feel the knife in my back just thinking of it.

  5. Whoever he has picked will be the best choice! If you have doubts about Trump in making his pick….you still have your blinders and on are not awake to what’s really going on!

  6. It’s his choice, but we all saw how wrong that can go last time. I didn’t know much about Vance. Maybe he has come to his senses about DJT…I hope. Carson , Flynn, and Donald’s would be great choices, I think

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