(Commenting on)  WATCH: Here’s why Michelle Obama did not attend Pres. Carter’s funeral



  1. Very disrespectful the Obama other half was not there. Hillary Clinton looks pissed off that Trump and Obama are even talking, much less laughing. Trump probably wants to know who is given Biden his dumb advicešŸ¤£šŸ˜‚my opinion. Anyway Rip.. Former President Jimmy CarteršŸ™and family. He was a kind man.ā˜®ļøšŸ„œā¤ļøšŸ™

  2. I believe Michelle doesn’t care about the politics and is very happy having the celebrity life style. Barrak in the other hand loves he is so influential. Being that Biden is a lame duck president I can see why Trump would need to discuss issues with Barrak. Though I believe Obama now knows he has no power in dv really anymore

  3. Pretty low and classless. She should have attended. She could have flown back with their money. ā€¦ā€¦.0r, maybe she was doing something else thatā€™s private. I donā€™t trust her one bit.

  4. I guess the HE-HE was there, but the HE-SHE refused as HE-SHE didn’t want to sit next to President Trump.

  5. So be it – the funeral went on as planned and it gave time for Presidents Trump and Obama to talk and laugh which seemed to rub Harris and the Clintons the wrong way.

  6. If Joey could take time from his vacation, why couldn’t Michael, um, Michelle?
    Probably as evil as he/she/they are, he/she/ they would’ve melted being in church.

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