(Commenting on)  WATCH: Haitian immigrants protest against Trump outside Long Island rally



  1. How about get these freeloading cockroaches out of the US. They came here illegally. Do they think for one nanosecond we give a rat’s ass what they think or want. GTFO of my Country. You don’t belong here.

  2. Years ago I lived in TN. My next door neighbor had moved from California.
    She said they didn’t let people from other countries adopt pets from the Humane Shelters because they ate them.

  3. Deport. Deport. Deport. Of course they are for c*ntmala, she let them in to freely kill our people and pets. Send those that think they are above the law to Ohio and see exactly what is going on.

  4. What the Haitians don’t realize is most are here on TPS (TEMPORARY Protected Status). That’s all going to end WHEN Trump gets back into office! Can’t wait!
    Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. Hmmm, such classless dirty mouth trashy scumbags. Just what our republic needs more lazy junkie freeloading commies. Pictures alone tells who they really are.

  6. Somebody should have called Ice and reported them! Time to go back where they came from. If you don’t come the legal way you’ve got to go!

  7. Funny that’s not what the residents are saying. I have videos of one grilling a cat and one rotissering a dog on another video. Plus other videos that aren’t that graphic.


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