(Commenting on)  WATCH: Frightened and furious Colorado residents speaking out as Venezuelan gangs taking over



  1. Loved the black woman…I agree with her. If those MFers come to VA, we will defend ourselves with Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Also looked the sign depicting Kamala’s Illegals.

  2. Keep voting for Dem liberals and this will continue to get worse; move to a red state where you can have a GUN to actually protect yourself and a sheriff/cops that actually have authority to arrest and imprison these gang members; the president of El Salvador arrested and imprisoned all of the violent gang members in that country now it’s safe again and people are happy you have to vote for people who will uphold the laws and not let them off

  3. Wonderful how they’re simply ALLOWED to take over and terrorize……there will.be militias formed and some ass being severely BEAT. Our government is throwing us ALL under the bus with NO care …which means WE need to take a stand .

  4. Let me tell everyone something weather you want to hear it or not. I’m sick of hearing violence isn’t the answer. The hell it isn’t. This world is evil it’s just been getting worse the only way to rid ourselves of it is VIOLENCE. I’ve known this my whole life and I put it into play when needed the deep state is doing this on purpose!! Get it through your heads !! They are not coming here for a better life!!! When the time comes I’ll be ready we can handle anything when the time comes and it’s coming soon those of you who can’t bring yourself to do what’s needed well may god help you

  5. kamala will have a fat fucking chance getting Americans to mandatorily give up their guns. Trump would not abandone 2A. One of these pigs steps foot in my house, they better have a body bag and a toe ID tag. Our state is a Castle Doctrine State which means under the state’s law, a person has the right to use deadly force to defend their home, car, or workplace from an imminent threat. However, courts have applied its protections inconsistently, and it does not always afford a homeowner the ability to defend their home from an unlawful intruder. Our state is also a Stand Your Ground State which means that individuals have the right to defend themselves using deadly force without retreating first. The victim does not have a duty to retreat before inflicting force …. GO AHEAD PUNK ASS PIG- MAKE MY DAY

  6. So if a Group of Well Armed Legal American patriots Surround that Apartment Complex and Kill the Invaders and take back the Complex , Would the democrats be Upset. I would hope they would be backed by the local Police and County Sheriff’s. Arm yourselves to the MAX it’s Going to get Worse. Don’t be a Disarmed Victim. We the people 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸

    • They would be upset because the Sheriff said they are not a threat. You piint a gun at me its a threat. Wait tell they shoot up a school then what? Yet words they dont like hurts them and Trump hurts their feelings . What a damn joke.

  7. Colorado deserves what they voted for… Get your fucking heads out of your asses and vote the Dems out or continue to live with the consequences…

  8. God bless law enforcement and citizens that will have to clean up this mess.
    Middle finger to democrats who allowed it.

  9. I’m hard pressed finding any empathy for these idiots that voted for this! YOU VOTES FOR THIS! And now they complain? The one chick says ..our governor is Democrat I wonder if that has something o do with it? Ya think??? People need an IQ test before voting! WE ARE TRING AND HAVE TROES TO WARN YOU FOOLS BUT YOU DO T LISTEN!!!!! For woke people yall are ina coma! FU

    • Doesn’t matter Ms. Lori. We know what you mean. I get the same way. I just want to get my frustrations down on paper quickly. Do not fear, we stand our ground and stick together. TRUMP VANCE 2024

  10. Yet you f’n libTARDS CONTINUE to vote for the commie devil DEMONcrates, ignorant fools. You’re getting exactly what you voted for so good f’n luck. By the way YOUR corrupt politicians thinks this invasion is fine? No law enforcement? Why?

  11. I’ve been saying for decades…the ONLY WAY to secure our country is with deadly force.
    Americans have been brainwashed to believe there is always “peaceful” solution. Evil doesn’t believe in peace

  12. If we had a real president he would call out the national guard and put an end to this….problem is he’s behind this type of behavior.

  13. All the while the entire demoncrap cult does nothing! Joes asleep at the wheel, Kameltoe is lost as last years Easter eggs and nothing happens

  14. The police get the blame from people who don’t understand they are following rules from above. I’m sure many would love to have their hands uncuffed. Why aren’t they? Simply the optics of police in a shoot out with a illigals gang.
    Do you see this story on any main news outlet? Nope! Why? Politics

  15. To me the only answer right now is to round up these animals, line them up, shoot to killl and drop them in a mass grave. I doubt anyone would miss them. Their families would probably thank us. There’s still lots of room in Hell…they’re headed there anyway!

  16. The question is, how many Democrat voters will this drive out of the Democrat Party. Seems to me, a lot of folks living through this nightmare are going to get “red pilled”. Colorado is only blue because of Denver. What if the Democrats living there stay home or follow RFK and Tulsi G. into the MAGA movement? I hope many of them do. To you Democrats living is Colorado, MAGA is not the country club Republican Party. We don’t like them either. MAGA is a coalition that crosses party lines. We just happened to take the Republican Party away from the Bush family. The MAGA movement is the only force in America that will do something about your nightmare.

  17. The Venezuelan gangs are not the main problem; they are just the by peoduct of stupid libtard Americans who embrace DEI and the democrat party.

    The travesty is these folks in Colorado could see the gangs invade their homes and rape their family and they will still vote democrat. You cannot fix stupid.

  18. The scary thing is, without Libs of Tik Tok and larger accounts like this on free speech platforms, these people would not be able to get their stories out and most would be blissfully unaware until they are directly affected…by then, being too late.

  19. That Libs of Tik Tok lesbian will still vote for Kamala….because she refuses to see the connection. How do I know? She calls them migrants…..they are aliens….illegal aliens.

  20. This is all a part of the democrats plan, trying to see how far they can push us and get away with it. Look at Covid, they made people live in fear, take shots (not me), and the riots that lasted months burning places and hurting people, the government did Nothing. Wanted to see how far they can push the people. How do we know if it isn’t the government behind these Venezuelan gangs just another way to test our reactions. I really don’t put anything past them.
    Just because you live in a democrat state doesn’t mean you voted for them, many people don’t but unfortunately people suffer because they can’t afford to move. It’s the idiot liberals in those states and who knows for sure how much cheating. I’m in Florida 26 yrs but my family and friends are in Pennsylvania, all who vote Conservative., they can’t understand why democrats keep winning. One liberal in my family and there isn’t anything that will change his mind.
    I have never owned a gun, I have changed my mind and will buy, and I dare anyone to try to come in my home, I will shoot.
    The big problem is if Harris is elected, all this crap will get WORSE. Then, People will start to fight back with militias and other groups and then the government will send in the Military to round up those people and put them in camps, which could be their plan all along. They already have encampments started in this country, what do think their for?
    We need to make sure EVERYONE gets out and votes, take others with you so no one has an excuse.

  21. WHY DOES IT TAKE POOP GETTING RUBBED IN ONES FACE BEFORE ONE CARES. I wish DML could go visit all these people personally. Put them in a quick interview show and ask them questions!
    But also ask them why only now. Why only now are you willing to complain or question! That’s what’s soooo wrong about these people,,, NOW they care!!!

  22. Other videos on this on you tube – people – the renters and land lord victims – call the police and they are told “there is nothing we can do”. The victims call the FBI : “ there is nothing we can do”.
    This is very frightening.

  23. First of all- Colorado didn’t vote all
    Democratic. The election. was stolen.
    Furthermore- Trump
    will shut this crap down with warp speed!

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