(Commenting on)  WATCH: Fed-up sheriff strikes again, posts two more videos identifying teenage suspects in school threats



  1. If a child/adolescent threatens to harm themselves or others in the state of MA all mandated reporters have to file with the police/social services. This behavior needs to be taken seriously.

  2. I applaud Sherrif Chitwood for posting their photos. To hell with the minor child BS. If they do the crime, they do the time. They were old enough to know better. Is this the dumb society that we will be stuck with now? Lock them up for a year, make their parents pay $25,000 fine and hold their parents responsible for raising these punk ass douche bags, then make them each do community service cleaning public restrooms on their hands and knees for 2 years or cleaning up debris along our highways. Expel them from school with no re-entry permitted ever.. Hey parents, home school your little punk ass douche bags. This is on you, no one else. If you can’t afford the fine, GET A LOAN.


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