(Commenting on)  WATCH ENTIRE EPISODE: Trump is guest on ‘Gutfeld!’ show, receives special gift



  1. I am so proud of Our President TRUMP and will be privileged to vote for him a THIRD time. He showed last night that he is the man I have thought him to be, humorous, humble and someone whi LOVES the Great Country as much as I do🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  2. It was great! Hoping that some independents and people on the fence saw this. It was a chance to see the true Donald Trump not just hear the vile rhetoric spewed by the media and Demoncraps constantly.

  3. I have thought this before when I have watched interviews from years gone by, that he is a very personable man. When he is sitting and talking you hear his heart and see his concern. And he has never changed his views on America and the way it is run over all the years. When he first came out to run I. 2016, I didn’t like his manner. I thought the way he talks doesn’t represent me. Then when he became the candidate, I decided I needed to get to know him and I watched every video I could find about him and learned so much by the way he interacted with people. I have had hope that he could be on an interview where we could see this side of him. Most often he is attacked and has to defend his position. This was so refreshing. I’m not a big Gutfeld follower but I appreciated that he let us see the man.


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