(Commenting on)  WATCH: DML shares 10 steps to fix illegal immigration crisis, including how a ‘mass deportation’ would work



  1. I think DML summed it up perfectly. I would add a few things such as:

    A. Levy heavy tax of 100% on all foreign remittances

    B. Invalidate ALL tax ID numbers that illegals are using as impromptu social sec numbers to file their fraudulent taxes

    C. Calculate how much each illegal alien accrues in tax refunds during their stay here. Make them pay ALL of it back or they cannot apply for permanent residency in the future.

    D. Freeze all their bank accounts and give them 60 days to show proof they left the UsA. Then they can take-out their money from their foreign nation.

    E. Suspend and cancel all Special Immigrant Juvenile Status applications, processes and cases. Also go back to all these cases that were started from 2020 and invalidate all permanent residency that were granted through this fraudulent program.

    F. Cancel ALL Temporary Protective Status (TPS), especially for El Salvador.

  2. Open season on illigals would get them to self deport almost overnight. Get you license and tags at any walmart or Acadamy. No fire arms within city limits but Archery is allowed throughout.
    Watch the illigals disaper like phesants on opening day. 😁

  3. I like all of your list. #9 is very important. I lived on a Thoroughbred farm in So. Cal in the late 70s and early 80s. Immigration would come through unannounced at the local training track and race tracks doing a sweep. All illegals caught would be immediately deported. It was ineffective, as they would be back in 2 weeks. They got free transportation home to visit and then payed a coyote $200 to get back. Many employers paid the fee. There was a lot of drug use and prostitution among them. Around this time the government made it unlawful for law enforcement to ask suspected illegals for their “papers”. It has only escalated. Now they have no fear of getting caught.


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