(Commenting on)  WATCH: Democrat senator gets mocked off the planet for viral video about his Tesla



  1. OK fighter jock strap……I usually admire Pilots as I am one myself. But you truly have your head in the clouds and that isn’t in a good way. Were you an ass-tro-not only in name?

  2. I love the fact someone pointed out the hypocrisy of going on X owned by Musk to say he was selling his Tesla because musk made it…
    These Dems have no shame they have no brain cells other then hatred and cancelling people they don’t agree with or I should say can’t appear to agree with. As someone pointed out these am democrats were going to force us all to buy an electric car and now they are selling theirs as a statement. What’s more important, climate change or hating Musk. Hatred wins every time

  3. I don’t think he’s going to be able to afford it because DOGE is cutting off his illegal tax scam with the rest of those ripoff’s in the GOV.RIPPOFF

  4. The best comment in the article shows a pic of the Pussy and his handlers SOROS. That pretty much sums up the whole CORRUPT DemoncRATic party 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  5. The best comment of the article involved the pic of the Pussy and his handler SOROS. Pretty much sums up the whole CORRUPT DemoncRATic party 🤬🤬🤬

  6. For an Astronaut, this ass certainly has no clue how much damage joe biden did to this country. What the hell is he smoking or sniffing. Some of that white stuff from hunter biden’s stash. What is wrong with trying to get rid of fraud and waste in our government and the trillions that the POS joe biden got us into. 80+ million people noticed it, why haven’t you. You people keep lying to your constituents trying to scare them but have not proven a thing. All hearsay. There are no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, PERIOD. Why is this ass standing next to alex soros? He puttin’ some money in your pocket, mark? And we all know that soros is a major contributor to you demo-pukes thru all his dummy companies with hidden agendas.

  7. Unreal. Tell me something Kelly, do you have any idea at all about what is actually going on in your country? There is no Democrat, Republican, only good verses evil at this point. FYI, you are not on the good side. Please take your head out of the sand and look around with a reasonable, rational thought process if that is even possible for you. The country is in the process of moving to be saved, not ruined or destroyed.


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