(Commenting on)  WATCH: Dem who helped AOC’s rise to power fumes over her poor performance



  1. Hmmm, you’re as dumb as she truly is. Why the masses keep electing these DEI dummies is beyond one’s comprehension. She has proven how dumb she truly is and the ignorance of 💩state NY continues.

  2. Who gives a rat’s ass. These same complaining buffoons will vote overwhelmingly for AOC again. So tell these residents to go pound sand

  3. And they are predicting she’s going to make a run for it in 2028! She has 10 million followers. Per Fox News. We need to watch our backs! I know she’s as dumb as a door nail. But those are the ones you need to watch out for!! Look at what we went through with Biden and Kamala! It’s scary!!

  4. AOC=Another Obnoxious Communist

    Talk amongst the democRATS to lead her for 2028. Dear God, how can they be so stupid. She’s filthy rich living off of the taxpayers. I can’t stand her condescending, better than me, attitude. Disgusting DEI hire waitress who probably slept her way to the top, too. Like HeelsUpHarris did.


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