The only billionaires that we’re getting tax breaks or money were the Democrats and those in foreign countries that were funneling the money back to our people in government and I’m pretty sure it’s on all sides of this Congress!!! Liars thieves and criminals are all in to fatten their offshore accounts!! They will have to repay us taxpayers!! We’ve been paying for decades and being ripped off!!
According to the Bible when a thief is caught he must repay it seven fold or 7 times the value of what was stolen it’s time for us to get paid back big time!
I want those that say the cuts are just giving billionaires tax breaks to fully explain how that idea works. They all parrot those talking points but don’t say how that even would happen. When the US spending goes down, the budget goes down and the deficit goes down, I would think everyone’s tax bill would go down.
The messaging the Dems are sticking to amazes me.
Billionaires are bad( yet how many jobs do they create)? How is tax cuts to billionaires have anything to do with government waste? These people are sick
I want my money/taxes back from all the govt waste and abuse! Every tax payer in this country should get refunds. MORE FASTER THAN IMMEDIATELY! DOGE, keep digging and expose to the country/USA how our government has been confiscating and abusing our hard earned money/taxes!
The only billionaires that we’re getting tax breaks or money were the Democrats and those in foreign countries that were funneling the money back to our people in government and I’m pretty sure it’s on all sides of this Congress!!! Liars thieves and criminals are all in to fatten their offshore accounts!! They will have to repay us taxpayers!! We’ve been paying for decades and being ripped off!!
This COMMIE idiot knows exactly how much money the libtards are getting in return for this bullshit
According to the Bible when a thief is caught he must repay it seven fold or 7 times the value of what was stolen it’s time for us to get paid back big time!
I want those that say the cuts are just giving billionaires tax breaks to fully explain how that idea works. They all parrot those talking points but don’t say how that even would happen. When the US spending goes down, the budget goes down and the deficit goes down, I would think everyone’s tax bill would go down.
Liu is a surefire LibTard DemoncRAT! He knows exactly what the Deepstate is doing with OUR money, lining their pockets!!! May they all rot in HELL🤬🤬🤬
The messaging the Dems are sticking to amazes me.
Billionaires are bad( yet how many jobs do they create)? How is tax cuts to billionaires have anything to do with government waste? These people are sick
Agreed! They (Dems) always deflecting.
I want my money/taxes back from all the govt waste and abuse! Every tax payer in this country should get refunds. MORE FASTER THAN IMMEDIATELY! DOGE, keep digging and expose to the country/USA how our government has been confiscating and abusing our hard earned money/taxes!
Accusations with zero evidence. Been one of the Democrat mantras for decades.